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Keith I Myers - Blog

Initial Impressions of the HP Chromebook X2


It has been known for some time that HP has been working on a high-end Chromebook for a few months now and the official launch date has been set for June 11th of 2018. The codename of the Chromebook is “Soraka” and the board name is “Nocturne”. I managed to get my hands on a early unit and spent several hours using it. Here are my thoughts in case you are looking to buy one when it enters the mass market.

Tips For Surviving Jury Duty In Miami-Dade County


I can honestly say that I don’t know anyone who actually gets excited with they receive a Jury Duty Summons in the mail and if there is a person like that, I can say that I am not one of them. Serving in a Jury may not be the most exciting event and may even post a bit of an inconvenience for you but it is a civic duty that all American Citizens should feel honored to take part in as it is the cornerstone of our justice system. This blog post is going to give some tips that I learned while serving my Jury Duty term this week. These tips are mainly for residents of Miami-Dade County so you should check with your county to see if the policies and rules vary.

A New Look for


This website has had the same look and feel for a few years but I have been wanting to give it fresh coat of paint for a while. I really did enjoy the old layout of the website however several of the template files have been broken for a while after a WordPress update (such as the responsive menu on mobile devices) which was the main reason for the change. This new template should also load faster on slower internet connections.

Can You Run Steam on ChromeOS via Project Crostini??? I Don’t See Why Not?


The Steam platform is one of the most popular distribution platforms for PC Gamers and it turns out that you can indeed run the Linux version of Steam on your Pixelbook. I cannot say for sure that all games will run on it but you should be able to install any game that supports “Linux” on your Chromebook. I apologize in advanced for lost productivity caused by following the steps in this guide – you have been warned!

Is your ChromeOS Linux Terminal Broken??? Why not replace it with Gnome Terminal?


If you were like me who found their Terminal application completely broken after upgrading to ChromeOS 68.0.3431.0, you are likely irritated and mashing the update button for a fix to be delivered a few times a day. I got to thinking this afternoon of a workaround, why not replace it with something a bit more reliable – like Gnome Terminal? It turns out that it works flawlessly and is pretty easy to setup. Here are the steps;

Warning: Amazon has a Massive Problem with Fake MicroSD Cards


I was browsing the other day as I was looking for a new 200 GB MicroSD Card for a upcoming review. I was shocked to see that Amazon’s listing was flooded with fraudulent MicroSD Cards. I thought that Amazon did a much better job then other sites such as does. I guess I was wrong. Buying fake MicroSD cards is dangerous as it can result in data loss or worse.