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Password Rant – How Some Websites Do It Wrong


I spent the past few weeks methodically changing all of my passwords to correct my past habits of re-using a batch of complicated passwords that I have memorized. I had to change around 100 passwords for various websites and services that I use. Most of the websites made it easy to change your password but others failed miserably however several failed. If you are a user of any website that falls into these brackets and care about security please tweet, message or otherwise beg the website owner to correct the problems. Be warned, this is a long post

Florida Ubuntu 16.04 Release Party Prize Giveaway


If you are a Ubuntu User in South Florida, please join us for the Ubuntu 16.04 release party that is scheduled to take place on April 3rd of 2016 at Topeekeegee YugneeparkPark (Meetup Link). Admission is free but small donations for food will help. Join us for fun, food and I am going to toss a pretty sweet prize into the mix – an Intel Compute Stick with Ubuntu pre-installed. Read below for more details on the Compute Stick and how to qualify –

Facts about Android Security and Malware – Types of Malware


While browsing social networks, it is not common for users to point out that Android is a security mess with no data to actually back those statements up. Some users try to fabricate facts without doing any research. Over the next few weeks, I will be releasing a series of posts on called “Facts about Android Security and Malware” to try to shine some light on this and hopefully debunk some of the data that it floating around and to help users understand more about the security of their mobile devices.

RANT: Dear Ted Cruz – A Lesson on Ethics


I normally do not use this website to talk about politics however your recent actions have forced me to break my silence and write this open letter. I ask that if anyone that reads this letter agrees with my statements to please re-share this letter as to as many people as possible in order to try to get a response from Ted Cruz himself.

Report : Thousands of United States Debit Card PINs Leaked


It seems that it is almost impossible to get through a day without hearing about another security breach or piece of leaked data hitting the internet. Sadly the latest leak seems to be hitting closer to home then most as a group of cleaver attackers have managed to capture leaks containing PIN codes from debit cards issued to customers in the United States. These PIN codes were written using a weak form of encryption known as “Double ROT-13” which has several weaknesses to allow users to read the list with almost no effort. As this list is already widely available on the Internet, I have decided to post it publicly. If your PIN code appears in the list below, it may be best to contact your bank to get your shoe size changed immediately.

Rant : T-Mobile vs The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – BingeOn


If you have been following the news over the past few weeks, you have likely been hearing that many tech companies are bashing T-Mobile over how the T-Mobile BingeOn program may be violating Net Neutrality with how it “optimizes” streaming video. This attack was spearheaded by a scathing report released by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and was made worse by T-Mobile’s outspoken CEO, John Legere’s response (this really should not come as a shock). Normally I am a huge supporter of the work done by the Electronic Frontier Foundation but in this case I feel they are wrong, and here is why.