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My Thoughts on Windows on ARM - Is It a Revolution Or A Repeat Of The Same Mistakes Of The Past (Copilot+)


Microsoft has been no stranger to releasing builds of windows for the ARM architecture, and each of these previous attempts has been nothing short of a disaster. Previous builds of Windows for ARM had limitations that made it impossible to do anything aside from web browsing and lightweight productivity tasks. Third-party software support was close to nonexistent as developers would need to port their software to run on ARM chips, which was impossible to expect with the low market adoption rate of Windows on ARM. Microsoft wants to break from tradition and finally release a build of Windows on ARM that people will actually want to use. After spending a bit over a week with the Samsung Galaxy Book Edge, I can say that this time is definitely different... in an exciting way. 

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Failed To Impress Me - Why I am sticking with my Z Fold 5


Last Week, Samsung held its annual foldable edition of Samsung Unpacked where they debuted a few new products as well as upgrades to their Samsung Galaxy Z-Fold and Z-Flip line of phones. Samsung hyped up these new devices over the weeks leading up to the event as a generational leap forward in technology, and I was excited to see what Samsung had up their sleeves.  I watched the recordings of the event after I finished my workday and was largely underwhelmed by the upgrades. AI Gimmicks aside, there are no real reasons for me to upgrade from my battle tested Z-Fold 5 to the new Z-Fold 6. There is a lot more Samsung could have done to sway me but it seems they choose to go with minor improvements instead of the promised "generational" leap. If Samsung wanted me to upgrade from the Fold 5 to the Fold 6, here are some things I would have loved to see.

Reimagining Desktop Mode : ChromeOS as the Future of Android Desktop Experience


We are living in a time of rapid paradigm shifts, specifically as to how people define a personal computer. Over the past decade, there has been a radical shift in the market, with more people relying on their mobile phone as their primary computer and a growing segment of the consumer market is even forgoing the purchase of a dedicated laptop or desktop altogether. Mobile Phone manufacturers have responded by exponentially increasing the power of their devices to keep up with the demand and hardware that was previously limited to mobile devices has started to make its way to modern laptops and desktops. 

Several Android Device Manufacturers including Samsung, Motorola, ASUS, Huawei and even Google have all worked on implementing a Desktop Mode that allows you to transform your phone into desktop PC when connected to a external display. The problem is that every manufacturer has descided to do their own thing and interpret what they believe users want in a desktop mode. Unfortunately this "Wild West" approach has ensured that there will be compatibility issues with third-party applications and will ultimately prevent the widespread adpotion of using a phone as a desktop computer. 

There is, however, a solution - ChromeOS...

Spirit Airlines' Groundbreaking "Super Budget Economy" Class


In an unprecedented move that's sure to shake up the airline industry, Spirit Airlines has just announced the launch of its "Super Budget Economy" class, a game-changing travel option that redefines the meaning of budget flying. This innovative offering caters to the most frugal of travelers, providing a standing-room-only experience in the airline's new, awe-inspiringly large aircraft designed to accommodate over 900 passengers—or as Spirit affectionately calls them, "value-conscious voyagers."

GPT Spotlight ChefGPT


We have all had those days when we were looking over all the items in our refrigerator and cannot decide what to cook. I can't tell you how many hours of my life I have wasted due to this seemingly simple problem. This is what inspired me to create ChefGPT.

Controversial Opinion : Android on ChromeOS is not as important as it used to be


In 2016, Google made an announcement that ChromeOS will be getting the ability to run Android applications; furthermore, Google also announced that they will be bringing the Google Play Store to all future ChromeOS devices. This announcement was pivotal to ChromeOS as it finally brought some features we take for granted in 2024, such as a massive library of offline applications, games, VPNs and streaming media, to ChromeOS for the first time. For the longest time, I personally loaded my Chromebooks with as many Android Applications as I could; however, that time has long past. Lately, I find myself using a shrinking list of Android Applications on a regular basis, and with a few exceptions, I no longer see much of a need for Android on ChromeOS anymore. 

GPT Spotlight : Choose Your Own Adventure GPT


While growing up, one of my favorite types of books were Choose Your Own Adventure books. I would spend countless hours lost in these books, reading and re-reading these unique books while being transported into a rich storyline that was constantly evolving with each choice I made. These books existed in numerous genres and themes to suit just about any reader. Additionally, the concept was also adopted by a subset of the popular Goosebumps series of books. Even Netflix got in on the action with Bandersnatch in 2018 when they released the first Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure Movie.

GPT Spotlight Series


In late 2023, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT announced that they were opening the door to allow users to create their own Custom GPTs that can be used by others in ChatGPT. OpenAI laid out a plan to open a GPT Store to allow developers to showcase their creations and allow other ChatGPT Plus customers to make use of their custom GPTs. Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a number of custom GPTs that I plan to list on the ChatGPT store when it goes live later this week. As part of this launch, I will be publishing a series of blog posts to highlight my GPTs and provide tips and instructions on how to make use of my GPTs. I have been dog-fooding my custom GPTs for the past few weeks and there are some genuinely fun and useful GPTs that I cannot wait for people to try.