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My Thoughts on Windows on ARM - Is It a Revolution Or A Repeat Of The Same Mistakes Of The Past (Copilot+)


Microsoft has been no stranger to releasing builds of windows for the ARM architecture, and each of these previous attempts has been nothing short of a disaster. Previous builds of Windows for ARM had limitations that made it impossible to do anything aside from web browsing and lightweight productivity tasks. Third-party software support was close to nonexistent as developers would need to port their software to run on ARM chips, which was impossible to expect with the low market adoption rate of Windows on ARM. Microsoft wants to break from tradition and finally release a build of Windows on ARM that people will actually want to use. After spending a bit over a week with the Samsung Galaxy Book Edge, I can say that this time is definitely different... in an exciting way. 

Creating a Windows Recovery Disk for the GPD Pocket MicroPC


I published directions a few days ago detailing the process of installing a larger hard disk into the GPD Pocket MicroPC however i have gotten a few emails asking for instructions to create a Windows Recovery Image. I wanted to take a few minutes to write a quick step-by-step guide to creating a recovery image that can be used to re-install Windows.

Unorthodox Computer Challenge : Final Thoughts on the Vensmile Mini PC


I have officially survived the first of my 10 Unorthodox PC Challenges with the Vensmile Mini PC and wanted to do a quick up and review on how the Vensmile Mini PC did over the past two weeks. This challenge was designed to test several shortcomings of mine; I normally do not use Windows as my primary operating system and I am normally used to using more powerful machines.

Unorthodox Computer Challenge Update : Gaming on the Vensmile Windows Box


It is a well known fact that all work and no play make Keith a grumpy Alaskan husky. The past few weeks have been incredibly busy and as I get ready to wrap up the first of the 10 Unorthodox Computers in the Unorthodox Computer Challenge, I wanted to end on a fun note – How does the Vensmile Mini PC handle gaming?

Unorthodox Computer Challenge : Slow and Steady wins absolutely nothing


I am sorry that I have not posted an update to this site this week about my Unorthodox Computer Challenge but it is not because I dropped the challenge but because I have been working hard at resolving my storage woes that I wrote about last week. This process is going well however complicated due to my slow workstation.

Unorthodox Computer Challenge : Storage Woes


My last 48 hours can be summed up in as little as 2 words “Storage Woes”. Between Microsoft announcing that they will be killing OneDrive Storage Plans greater than 1TB and the fact that the Vensmile Mini PC seems to have one of the slowest eMMC storage modules around, I am really feeling the pressure. To make matters worse, my Cloud Storage space is a mess of old, outdated and duplicate files scattered among a few hundred GB of important files.

Unorthodox Computer Challenge : Trial 1 – Vensmile Windows 10 Mini PC


I will be spending the next two weeks with the most orthodox of the machines I have selected for the unorthodox computer challenge, the Vensmile Windows 10 Mini PC. Dont let this fool you however, while this computer is technically a full fledged Windows Desktop – it is hard to find a great use-case for such a machine as it is not powerful enough to do much and the performance leaves a lot to be desired.

Unorthodox Computer Challenge Update : Google Chrome Let Me Down


On September 2nd of 2008 a web browser was released that changed my browsing habits forever, this web browser was known as Google Chrome. Shortly after it was released, it put a wedge into my monogamous relationship with Mozilla Firefox and caused us to separate after many years. I have been using Chrome as my primary browser for years with no complaints, that is until I took part in my Unorthodox Computer Challenge.

Microsoft has come to it’s senses with their new Business Strategy


In my personal life, I make it clear that I am a huge fan of Open Source Technology and often use Ubuntu GNOME as my daily driver. Over the past few years, I have taken a front row seat in watching Microsoft fall from it’s once mighty pedestal with the flop that was Windows 8. Granted Windows 8.1 did fix a lot of the issues reported by Windows user, it still feels like an operating system with an identity crisis. This comes at a time where Android and ChomeOS have both overtook the Tablet, Low Power and Educational Markets and could have been a serious death blow to the once mighty king.