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The Author of the GnuPG Needs Your Help


We owe a lot to the widely used, yet under-appreciated encryption system known as the GNU Privacy Guard, also known as GnuPG. Although GnuPG has been around for a very long time, it recently made it into the news as one of the tools used by Edward Snowden to encrypt emails containing sensitive information. What is hard to believe is that the GnuPG software stack was built and maintained by one single person, Werner Koch who makes his living giving the software away for free. Werner has unfortunately come under some hard times as donations have dried up and he is looking for help.

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If you have the means to donate a few bucks to help the cause, you should immediately head over to the GnuPG donation page and throw a few bucks his way. You can make a donation in any amount via Credit Card or PayPal.