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Shifting the Trust: How Privacy Marketing Preys on Your Fears


Privacy and security are paramount concerns in the digital sphere. In response, tech companies big and small vow to protect your data through enhanced encryption, anonymity tools, and strict privacy policies. However, you should approach these claims with skepticism. Often, privacy marketing aims to shift your trust from mainstream services to unproven alternatives, rather than truly safeguard your information.

ARC VPN Support for Crostini Landing in Next Release of ChromeOS


The fact that it was not possible to route traffic on a Crostini container over a VPN has been one of the most annoying bugs for developers who wish to use their Chromebooks to work in a corporate environment. Google has been working on a fix since I reported it over a year ago. The community of Chromebook owners were saddened to report that the fix was pushed back to M76 about 2 weeks ago. It looks like Google is going to squeeze it into M75, specifically in build 12104.0.0 which may hit the developer channel any day now.

[TIP] Using a VPN from the Google Play Store on ChromeOS


If you are a Chromebook owner who uses a VPN, you probably noticed that:

  • ChromeOS’s VPN Support Sucks
  • Setting up a OpenVPN Connection on ChromeOS Sucks

There are of course countless VPN Solutions on the Google Play Store however if you ever tried to use one of these, you will notice that the VPN appears to be functioning correctly however only traffic from other play store applications will flow through the VPN while the main ChromeOS traffic bypasses it – Potentially exposing sensitive data. I even wrote a long rant about this a few months ago. Fortunately there is a simple fix.