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Computer Security Advice That Aged Badly


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest security practices. However, there are some computer security tips that have become outdated over time. In this blog post, we'll take a trip down memory lane and explore some of these practices that no longer hold true. Let's dive in!

Opinion : The Biggest Thing Holding Chromebooks Back – Storage


There was a time where Chromebooks were looked at as simplistic devices that are only good for visiting websites and to the credit to those old Chromebooks, they did their job well. These early Chromebooks lacked a large amount of local storage, often having between 16 and 32 GB of local storage, and between 2-4 GB of RAM. Chromebooks have since evolved to the point that they have the potential to be some of the most powerful laptops on the market but the only thing that has not evolved with the rest of the hardware is that Chromebooks still routinely ship with 32 GB of storage in 2019.

Warning: Amazon has a Massive Problem with Fake MicroSD Cards


I was browsing the other day as I was looking for a new 200 GB MicroSD Card for a upcoming review. I was shocked to see that Amazon’s listing was flooded with fraudulent MicroSD Cards. I thought that Amazon did a much better job then other sites such as does. I guess I was wrong. Buying fake MicroSD cards is dangerous as it can result in data loss or worse.

Password Rant – How Some Websites Do It Wrong


I spent the past few weeks methodically changing all of my passwords to correct my past habits of re-using a batch of complicated passwords that I have memorized. I had to change around 100 passwords for various websites and services that I use. Most of the websites made it easy to change your password but others failed miserably however several failed. If you are a user of any website that falls into these brackets and care about security please tweet, message or otherwise beg the website owner to correct the problems. Be warned, this is a long post

RANT: Dear Ted Cruz – A Lesson on Ethics


I normally do not use this website to talk about politics however your recent actions have forced me to break my silence and write this open letter. I ask that if anyone that reads this letter agrees with my statements to please re-share this letter as to as many people as possible in order to try to get a response from Ted Cruz himself.

Rant : T-Mobile vs The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – BingeOn


If you have been following the news over the past few weeks, you have likely been hearing that many tech companies are bashing T-Mobile over how the T-Mobile BingeOn program may be violating Net Neutrality with how it “optimizes” streaming video. This attack was spearheaded by a scathing report released by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and was made worse by T-Mobile’s outspoken CEO, John Legere’s response (this really should not come as a shock). Normally I am a huge supporter of the work done by the Electronic Frontier Foundation but in this case I feel they are wrong, and here is why.

An Open Letter to Microsoft about Trust and OneDrive


Dear Microsoft,

You have screwed me over plenty of times in the past and yet I decided to give you another chance earlier this year by paying for a yearly Office365 subscription for my household. When it was announced that Microsoft would be rolling out “Unlimited” storage, I signed up for the waiting list so I can consolidate a few other cloud storage providers into one. I am now not only regretting migrating my files over to OneDrive but I am also regretting my decision to give Microsoft a second chance.

RANT : HD Video Tax


I can often be called an early adopter of new technology and was thrilled to give up my DVDs and VHS tapes for the simplicity of purchasing my content on streaming media services such as Google Play Movies or (Affiliate Link)Amazon Instant Video. You simply cannot beat the selection offered by these services and you don’t ever need run into issues with the movie being sold out or scratched DVDs. Unlike services such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Videos and Google Play Movies allows you to take content offline for use in situations where you do not have access to a high speed connection. It is almost a Utopian solution except for one glaring problem… the Upcharge for HD content.

Tech Pet Peeves


My life is centered around technology and I like to stay current with the latest offerings. I read hundreds of articles, reviews and websites every week to gorge myself on the latest news that is circulating the internet and have come across several things that bug me. Here is a list of my top tech pet peeves: