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Is your ChromeOS Linux Terminal Broken??? Why not replace it with Gnome Terminal?


If you were like me who found their Terminal application completely broken after upgrading to ChromeOS 68.0.3431.0, you are likely irritated and mashing the update button for a fix to be delivered a few times a day. I got to thinking this afternoon of a workaround, why not replace it with something a bit more reliable – like Gnome Terminal? It turns out that it works flawlessly and is pretty easy to setup. Here are the steps;

Side Project : Ubuntu GNOME HTML5 Simulation


Rule #1 – Never give a geek free time or a week off of work, you never know what can happen. I took a week off (December 15th – December 19th) to some much needed work around the house. During my downtime, I decided to fire up a gedit document and come up with something creative, the end result was a simulation of Ubuntu GNOME running completely in a web browser. This HTML5 based simulation could will eventually allow users to experience Ubuntu GNOME (and possibly other operating systems) without the need to install it on their computer. This is especially useful for training new users.