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Report : Thousands of United States Debit Card PINs Leaked


It seems that it is almost impossible to get through a day without hearing about another security breach or piece of leaked data hitting the internet. Sadly the latest leak seems to be hitting closer to home then most as a group of cleaver attackers have managed to capture leaks containing PIN codes from debit cards issued to customers in the United States. These PIN codes were written using a weak form of encryption known as “Double ROT-13” which has several weaknesses to allow users to read the list with almost no effort. As this list is already widely available on the Internet, I have decided to post it publicly. If your PIN code appears in the list below, it may be best to contact your bank to get your shoe size changed immediately.

Critical Apple iOS SMS Messaging Bug Fix


By now, it is likely that you have seen postings about a serious new iOS messaging bug in your various social networking sites. This bug allows a person with malicious intent to cause an iPhone to reboot or lock up with nothing more then a simple text message containing some specially crafted Unicode text. Furthermore your messaging application will fail to launch until the attacker sends a second message or you perform a workaround such as sharing a photo from the Apple Photos App. Apple is aware of the issue and are already working on a patch for a future update. There are some workarounds floating around the internet with a short term fix however this blocks message previews, this blog post will go over a long term fix that will render your phone immune to this bug.